Artists Amy Rose and Jesse Meadows created Stories of Newtown as part of Newtown’s 50th anniversary street party, organised by resident, Debbie Benjamin.  They designed and hosted a colourful installation that focused on instant participation and conversation on the day of the party, and invited the public to share stories and historical knowledge about Newtown. The project served as a catalyst for a  future, more in depth, oral history and heritage project.

Meadows and Rose worked together as MUCC,  ‘Mobile Urban Community Collaborations’.  Equipped for instant street transformation, intergenerational games, story-sharing and more, MUCC mobilises local creativity to create a memorable experiences on people’s doorsteps.

With funding from Bristol City Council’s Originators Fund and Trinity Centre.

Read more about Newtown’s activities here

Amy Rose: Artist, MUCC
Jessie Meadows: Artist, MUCC
Debbie Benjamin: Community Organiser for Newtown, Bristol
Stefan Kwame Boakye: Project Manager, Trinity Centre, Bristol