Brenda Waite’s Flummery Room

Posted on Apr 23, 2015 in news, resources for artists
Brenda Waite’s Flummery Room

Great news! Brenda Waite is currently teaching in Bristol at the Dance Space at The Island on Nelson Street, Bristol.  I highly recommend her sessions. She is a really gifted performance maker and is one of my favourite teachers– even without the bunny ears (which she does not wear in class, I promise!). I continue to learn and deepen my practice whenever working with her.

She has a few more 1 1/2 hour general practice sessions on Mondays 10:00-11:30, 27  April  (no class 4 May) and 11 and 18 May.

And more in depth, themed sessions on Saturdays 11:00-1:00 for five weeks beginning May 5th.

The Flummery Room is a weekly workshop for creatives, including actors, dancers, circus artists and others who would like to explore their movement language and performance interests. Each two-hour session offers a rich mix of individual and collective movement training using improvisation and a range of techniques to explore themes of presence, space, object, voice/text, character and more. Reflection, collaboration, application to participants’ own work and positive feedback are integrated throughout within a playful, supportive environment.

Brenda is a performance maker and teacher with a background in physical theatre, clown, dance and improvisation. She has created and toured performance works throughout Australia and Europe for over 20 years, collaborating with artists from a range of disciplines. You and email her any queries on redwaite(at)

She undercharges for what you get, in my opinion– £7.00 per session!  Hope to see you there!